Question Pallete

Questions 1-5  Listen from here

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Theatre Studies Course

1.   What helped Rob to prepare to play the character of a doctor?

A the stories his grandfather told him

B the times when he watched his grandfather working

C the way he imagined his grandfather at work


2.   In the play's first scene, the boredom of village life was suggested by

A repetition of words and phrases.

B scenery painted in dull colours.

C long pauses within conversations.


3.   What has Rob learned about himself through working in a group?

A He likes to have clear guidelines.

B He copes well with stress.

C He thinks he is a good leader.


4.  To support the production, research material was used which described

A political developments.

B changing social attitudes.

C economic transformations.


5.  What problem did the students overcome in the final rehearsal?

A one person forgetting their words

B an equipment failure

C the injury of one character


Questions 6-10  Listen from here

Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 6-10.



A be on time

B get a letter of recommendation

C plan for the final year

D make sure the institution’s focus is relevant

E show ability in Theatre Studies

F make travel arrangements and bookings

G ask for help

Stages in doing the ‘year abroad’ option

6 in the second year of the course


7 when first choosing where to go


8 when sending in your choices


9 when writing your personal statement


10 when doing the year abroad

---End of the Test---

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