1. 64711 | 4. 013880542 |
2. 0219302738 | 5. 88070 |
3. 0614394576 | 6. 0318974567 |
A Directory enquiries, which town please?
B Oxford.
A What name?
B I’d like the number of the John Radcliffe hospital, please.
A John Radcliffe hospital. The number’s Oxford 64711
B Thank you.
A Directory enquiries, which town please?
B Birmingham.
A What name?
B The Odeon Cinema, please.
A Odeon Cinema. Yes, The number’s 021 930 2738
B Thanks, bye.
A Directory enquiries, which town please?
B Manchester, please.
A What name?
B Could I have the number for the Shangri-La restaurant?
A Shangri-La, yes. . . the number is 061 439 4576
A Directory enquiries, which town please?
B London.
A What name?
B London University, please.
A University of London. The number’s 01 388 0542
B Thank you.
A Directory enquiries, which town please?
B Bristol, please.
A What name?
B I’d like the number for County Hall.
A County Hall. Bristol 88070
A Directory enquiries, which town please?
B Edinburgh
A What name?
B British Airways office.
A British Airways, yes, the number’s 031 897 4567.
B Thank you. Bye.
Listen to people asking Directory Enquiries for telephone numbers for the places below.
Write down the correct tellephone numbers in the boxes 1-6.
John Radcliffe Hospital: Oxford
Answer: 64711 Locate Listen from here
Odeon Cinema:
Answer: 0219302738 Locate Listen from here
Shangri-la Restaurant:
Answer: 0614394576 Locate Listen from here
London University:
Answer: 013880542 Locate Listen from here
County Hall: Bristol
Answer: 88070 Locate Listen from here
British Airways:
Answer: 0318974567 Locate Listen from here